October 1, 2008

I'd like to thank the Academy...and Mimi...

Wait...there's no academy...damn Oscars overlooked me again! But I would like to profusely thank Minxy Mimi for bestowing this wonderful award on me!

Here is how the Brilliant Weblog Award works . . .

The person giving the award chooses blogs that they consider brilliant in their content or design. In return, the recipient is expected to choose a minimum of 5-7 blogs that they like. They leave comments on these blogs to notify the winners. They then post about receiving the award on their blog (like this) and list their choices with links. They also include a mention of whom they received the award and include a link. Pictures are great, but not necessary.

With all that in mind, I hereby award this prestigious honor to:

1. Diana at What a Novel Idea. She's new but I know from experience she's an excellent writer so rest assured, it's going into good hands.

2. The propietor (whose name I'm unaware of) at Lazy Crazy Mama.

3. Valeta at ...um...well I guess it's just called Valeta. Ha ha...

4. Jo Jo at A Mom's World of Madness and Blessings

5. The Mom at Cheaper Than Therapy.

Happy blogging, everyone!


Denise said...

YAY for your award! I saw Mimi left you one too - but I did as well! you deserve it! :)

The Mom Jen said...

Congrats on the award, I love your writing, and thank you dearly for bestowing one to me! I really appreciate the love!

Minxy Mimi said...

You totally deserve it!!!

Anonymous said...

"And I would also like to thank...

Huh? Oh, it's not mine?"

lol...congrats girl, you definitely deserve it!

Anonymous said...

I have to tell you this..even though I know you don't know who I am or you might. I nominated you for this award because I love your writing style and agree with a lot of the topics you write about. I guess someday I should comment more.


Jo-Jo said...

Wow! Congrats and a great big THANK YOU! Today is the Writing Assignment and The Mom's Thousand Word Thursday so I am going to post this on Sat...I do somethings on Friday too! THANK YOU AGAIN!

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