October 6, 2008

Where I've Been...

To be succinct, I've been preoccupied. Somewhere between Sunday morning and this evening, things have kind of come to a head and we're having to make some pretty big decisions. So please bear with me, I'll have a new post up in the morning that may more or less help you understand where we're at right now and why I'm not up to posting tonight, even though it's only 10:13 p.m., which is usually my witching hour.

And for those who know me/us, no worries. There's nothing wrong with us or our relationship, per se, just the state of things in general. Just can't wait for my post before noon tomorrow? Email me.


Minxy Mimi said...

I hope all is well! Ive been wondering why you were not posting!

The Mom Jen said...

Praying that things work out for the best!

Anonymous said...

Well, now that's cryptic...

Hope things are better for you today

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